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Child Safety

CPSC Approves Rules Implementing Bans on Inclined Sleepers for Infants and Crib Bumpers Rules Aim to Save Lives and Result in a Safer Marketplace for Parents and Babies


Release Number: 23-253

Release Date: August 07, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Commission voted today (4 to 0) to issue two final rules to codify the bans of inclined sleepers for infants and crib bumpers that Congress established in the Safe Sleep for Babies Act (SSBA). The SSBA prohibits not only the sale of inclined sleepers for infants and crib bumpers, but also the manufacture for sale, distribution, or importation into the United States, of these products. The rules implement the statute which went into effect on November 12, 2022.  

These rules aim to save infants’ lives and create a safer marketplace for parents.  

The final rule for infant sleepers defines “inclined sleeper for infants” as a product with an inclined sleep surface greater than ten degrees that is intended, marketed, or designed to provide sleeping accommodations for an infant up to 1 year old.  

Crib bumper is defined in that final rule as:  

  1. Any material that is intended to cover the sides of a crib to prevent injury to any crib occupant from impacts against the side of a crib or to prevent partial or complete access to any openings in the sides of a crib to prevent a crib occupant from getting any part of the body entrapped in any opening;  
  2. Includes a padded crib bumper, a supported and unsupported vinyl bumper guard, and vertical crib slat covers; and  
  3. Does not include a non-padded mesh crib liner.  

Parents and caregivers are reminded:  

  • The best place for an infant to sleep is on a firm, flat surface in a crib, bassinet or play yard.  
  • Use a fitted sheet only and never add blankets, pillows, padded crib bumpers, or other items to an infant’s sleeping environment.  
  • Infants should always be placed to sleep on their back. Infants who fall asleep in an inclined or upright position should be moved to a safe sleep environment with a firm, flat surface such as a crib, bassinet or play yard.  

Since the SSBA came into effect, CPSC has conducted a comprehensive outreach effort to manufacturers, importers, and sellers to enforce the new law, including educating them about the requirements, and making sure they are aware of their compliance obligations.  This ongoing effort will include direct communications, online resources, and other activities. 

The Commission vote was 4 to 0.  

CPSC Chair and Commissioner Statements 

Chair Alexander Hoehn-Saric 

Commissioner Peter A. Feldman 

Commissioner  Richard Trumka 

Author: Marianne Halterman

Marianne is a member of the SafeKids Coalition of the Central Shenandoah Valley.

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