Hi Neighbor!
As the new school year begins, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is urging parents, teachers and students to watch out for hidden hazards at school.
Every year, thousands of children are injured on playgrounds, while playing sports, or as they walk, bike, skateboard or scooter to and from school.
Prevent injuries before they happen by following these safety tips when heading back to school:
Leave necklaces and clothing with drawstrings at home to reduce strangulation hazards. Check for “S” hooks, protruding bolt ends, and sharp points or edges on playground equipment. Don’t play on slides or other surfaces that are burning hot. Check that the playground has good impact surfacing such as nine inches of mulch/wood chips.
Wear Helmets:
Wear a helmet when biking, skateboarding, or riding a scooter to and from school, or while playing sports.
Distracted Walking:
Don’t text or talk on the phone while walking. Distracted walking can be dangerous, especially near traffic and crosswalks.
Don’t become a statistic! “Think Safety First” when heading back to school.
Related poster:
NSN Poster: Think Safety First as Kids Head Back to School